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元宵节(lantern festival)习俗
春节习俗 Customs of the Spring Festival (二)
春节习俗 Customs of the Spring Festival (一)

2016-03-30  作者(来源):[暂无]


    Jesus Christ died on a cross on a Friday almost two thousand years ago.  Christians believe that on the following Sunday, Christ rose from the dead and, in doing so, proved that He is the Son of God.  The day Jesus died and was buried is known as Good Friday.  The following Sunday is Easter.

    Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Son of God each year between March 22nd and April 25th (the first Sunday after a full moon and after the vernal equinox).

    Religious celebrations include family gatherings and special Easter church services.

    For Christians, there is no holiday more important than Easter. Easter is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. He had been crucified and was buried for three days. All his disciples had believed that he was gone for good. None had understood that his sacrifice was the primary purpose of his short life and the only way for us to obtain righteousness and restore our fellowship with God. No man had taken His life. There was no sin in Him and no way for Satan to take His life. It was freely given for us all.

    For the secular world, Easter is about new clothes, hidden eggs, and bunnies. But to those that really understand all that was accomplished on that first Easter morning, this is the greatest day in all of history.

    大约在2000多年以前,耶稣基督在一个礼拜五被钉死在十字架上。基督徒确认,在紧接着的那个礼拜天,耶稣就从死里复活了;这就证明了他是上帝的儿子。耶稣被钉死和埋葬的那一天就被称为“Good Friday”,而那个紧接着的礼拜天就是复活节



