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2024-06-06  作者(来源):[暂无]




    前期阶段六、七、八年级三个年级的同学们进行了精彩的预赛选拔。六年级进行了以“用英语朗读中国传统故事”为主题的活动,六年级(1)班的宝莲灯展现了沉香救母的心切,六年级(2)班的花木兰体现了木兰替父从军的决绝, 六年级(3)班的哪吒闹海演绎了哪吒与龙王的争斗的场面,六年级(4)班的钻木取火体现了古人的智慧,六年级(5)班的愚公移山让我们看到坚持的重要性,5个班级各派出代表给大家带来了精彩难忘的诵读表演;七年级则以“用英语演好中国故事为主题”,各班同学们纷纷大展身手,无论是故事神笔马良还是经典名著三打白骨精,都给观众演绎了英文改良版中国传统故事,广受大家好评;八年级以“用英语演讲中国传统文化”为主题,展示了中国瓷器,中国年等不同的中国传统元素。预赛阶段各班同学们纷纷积极参与活动,获得了观众们的好评,最终来自三个年级的7个组进入决赛阶段。


    中国传统故事总能让大家记忆犹新,六年级的同学们带来了经典之作— “宝莲灯”, 他们用英语诵读的方式向观众再一次传达了沉香救母的心切,以及一家三口团圆的幸福美满。细腻专著的表演,饱含深情的诵读都深深吸引着观众。








    I'm proud that I took part in this interesting show: Lotus Lantern. In the show, I am Chen Xiang. Ms Zhang taught us how to make the show better and told us that we should stay focused on the stage. We practiced a lot. Finally, we got the second prize. After this competition, I’ve learnt that hard work will eventually pay off! 

六年级 杜若萱

    As the narrator, it was a little difficult for me to recite all the lines. With the help of my parents and my teacher, Miss Li, I practiced every day for a few weeks. Because of my hard work, I made it! Finally, my classmates and I presented the story “Drill wood to make fire” successfully .After this activity, I am so proud of myself because l made one thing that l thought impossible possible! l also learned that, with hard work and creativity, we can overcome any obstacle! 

六年级 张栎涵

    During this activity, I feel the power of language. As far as I’m concerned, English is not only a means of communication but the expansion of thinking patterns. I experience the charm of English in the process of preparation for the contest. What’s more, my courage and expression were greatly improved in the contest. This experience has made me more confident and inspired me to constantly improve my English.

八年级 梅亦萱

    I felt really excited to take part in the English festival. My team performed the story 'Wusong fought the tiger'. A few weeks before the competition, my teammates and I always spent our spare time rehearsing. Everyone was hard-working and nobody complained. Finally, the big day came. Though other teams were strong, we still won the competition. I was satisfied with the result that our team won the prize.

    This activity helped me improve my oral English, raised my sense of responsibility, and made me know what unity is.

七年级 余悦

    This is my first time to perform a play and I took it seriously. When I stood on the stage. My hands were shaking and I could even hear my heart pounding. Luckily, the teachers and students in the hall were all amused by us for many times. This performance was so successful and all of us were pleased with the result. I think it’s a meaningful way for me to learn Chinese traditional stories and I learn what’s the responsibility is.

七年级 丁岳琳



I’m glad to see that our performance made all students in the hall laugh. When I tried to practise performing the tiger well, I found I was good at it and became more and more confident.I was proud of myself when I heard our team won the first prize because I was a team member of this excellent performance.What a meaningful activity it was! I will never forget it. I can’t wait to join in the next English festival.

七年级 瞿素年