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Turning Your Life Around
2016-05-05  作者(来源):[暂无]


Turning Your Life Around

Do you know Hu Ge? Right! He is a Chinese actor and singer. He was born on 20 September, 1982 in Shanghai, China. While he was studying at the Shanghai Theater Academy, he was invited to play the leading role Li Xiaoyao in the 2004 television series “Chinese Paladin” (《仙剑奇侠传》), and was still best known by this classic role of his just several months ago. But since then, he has redefined himself, by adding two new, iconic roles to his works. Hu recently played the bubbly, patriotic agent Ming Tai in “The Disguiser” (《伪装者》) and the resourceful strategic adviser Mei Changsu in “Nirvana in Fire” (《琅琊榜》).

The role of Mei Changsu was different from roles he played before.

“Mei Changsu is a man who is ill and weak. I could not make many physical gestures or dramatic expressions.”  Hu said. Playing the role was difficult, but the character resonated (产生了共鸣) with Hu. In 2006, Hu was severely injured in a car accident. After several operations and about 100 stitches on his face and neck, a visible scar still remains near the corner of his eye. This experience helped Hu to better understand the role. “Definitely. An actor’s greatest inspiration will always be his life experiences,” he said.

Hu’s pretty face was once a stepping-stone for his success, and the scar traumatized (折磨了)  him for a long time.

“If I myself am not bothered by it, no one else will care. I have to move past it. Otherwise, how can I continue my acting career?” he said.

“A transition seems like a complete repudiation of your past... I just turned around to let viewers see another side of me,” he said.