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How to stay healthy
2018-12-20  作者(来源):[暂无]

How to stay healthy

Eat breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After a long night without food, you need a big breakfast.


Don’t always go by car or bus. Walk, run or ride a bicycle. Don’t go up in a lift. Walk up the stairs.

Snacks and sweets are OK!

But don’t eat too many! Too much sugar is bad for you. Try eating apples instead of sweets.

Make your heart strong!

Run, swim or play sports three times a week. Start slowly and then go faster. This will make your heart strong.

Eat different things!

Don’t eat too much or only one thing. For example, meat is good for you, but too much meat is bad for you. Try to eat lots of different things.

Go out with friends.

Play real games. Walk, swim, cycle, run or play sports with friends.

Eat vegetables.

Vegetables are very important. Eat three vegetables and two pieces of fruit every day.

Join in sports at school.

It’s a good way to feel good, look good and keep fit. Try new sports and games.